Associate's Degree
First Semester
MATH 100/101/104 (based on Math Placement Exam score) (2-3 cr)
STOCKSCH 105 Soils (4 cr)
STOCKSCH 108 Introductory Botany (4 cr)
STOCKSCH 192F First Year Seminar (1 cr)
*STOCKSCH 315 Greenhouse Management (4 cr)
Second Semester
1st seven wks
STOCKSCH 101 Insects and Related Forms (2 cr)
STOCKSCH 104 Plant Nutrients
STOCKSCH 111 Horticultural Plant Pathology (2 cr)
2nd seven wks
STOCKSCH 260 Growing Plants Indoors (2 cr)
Full semester
*STOCKSCH 198G Internship (3 cr) (June-August)
STOCKSCH 255 Herbaceous Plants (3 cr)
SUSHORT ELECTIVES Advisor Approved (6-7 cr)
Third Semester
ENGLWRIT 111/112 (based on Writing Program Placement Test score) (3 cr)
STOCKSCH 113 Horticulture Pathology Lab (2 cr)
*STOCKSCH 200 Plant Propagation (3 cr)
STOCKSCH 360 Nursery Management
SUSHORT ELECTIVES Advisor Approved (8 cr)
Fourth Semester
STOCKSCH 182 Principles of Pesticide Management (2 cr)
STOCKSCH 335 Principles and Practices of Greenhouse Cultivation
STOCKSCH 397 PT Plant Trends in Landscape Horticulture
SUSHORT ELECTIVES Advisor Approved (3-6)
* A grade of C or better must be earned in these courses.